Review: Speechless by Hannah Harrington

Everyone knows that Chelsea Knot can't keep a secret

Until now. Because the last secret she shared turned her into a social outcast—and nearly got someone killed.

Now Chelsea has taken a vow of silence—to learn to keep her mouth shut, and to stop hurting anyone else. And if she thinks keeping secrets is hard, not speaking up when she's ignored, ridiculed and even attacked is worse.

But there's strength in silence, and in the new friends who are, shockingly, coming her way—people she never noticed before; a boy she might even fall fer new friends can forgive what she's done. If only she can forgive herself.

This is a beautiful and deep book that absolutely EVERYBODY needs to read. After how much I loved Saving June last year, I didn't think that anything this author wrote could surpass it. I was wrong. Speechless is my new favorite book and Hannah Harrington is one of my most favorite authors right now,  I was blown away. Get the point yet? I loved this book!

Speechless is not your typical 'bitchy popular girl learns her lesson' book, because Chelsea is not one of those girls. Most books follow the main character as they change and become a better person, but I think that Chelsea was always good and sweet inside and this book follows her in her journey to accept that, and find her place. I honestly don't think this book would be as good without Chelsea being the perfect main character that she is, she's tough and sarky but she's also real and believable and for that, I love her. I also don't think this book would be as awesome without Sam, Asha, Andy and Kirsten being as wekll written and believable as they were. Asha was such a caring and generous friend, much like many people that I actually know and Andy and Kirsten's reactions seemed so honest and real that I really cannot fault them.

Sam... well he deserves his own paragraph. Sam may seem too good to be true but he is not, he is just perfect as he has his faults but he manages to stay... perfect. Sam was perfect. I loved Sam... I just.... *gush*. Seriously, he was sexy and he cooks! I so agree with Chelsea's opions n his 'vaguely erotic cooking expertise' (her words, not mine.) I bookmarked a few quote from Sam that made me giggle and swoon... I don't usually quote in reviews but I had to in this one:  

"I'm no Marc Jacobs and yes, I may have done a search for 'famous fashion designers' earlier solely so I could make that reference and impress you..."
Oh Sam, could you BE more perfect? (The answer is no).

Harrington;'s writing is gorgeous, she can write a saracastic and bitter character so honestly and yet manages to deal delicately with the hard-hitting subjects. This book deals with discrimination and bullying. Chelsea is bullied because she went against her best friend and told the truth and the topic of homophobia is so well dealt with that it slips in to the story so well but also manages to deliver a deep and serious message to the readers. I can honestly say that when it come sto writing about hard-hitting topics without makiing the bvook too sifficult to read, Hannah Harrington is the queen.

I could honestly gush about this book forever. I won't though. Instead I will just tell you to go out and buy this book, you will not regret it, this book was fun, deep and beautiful and I will not be forgetting it for a very long time.

Overall Rating: A+ 

Book released 28th August 2012 by Harlequin Teen
Book received as an eGalley for review via NEtGalley

Other books by this author:
Saving June

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