Review: Arclight by Josin L. McQuein


The Arclight is the last defense. The Fade can’t get in. Outside the Arclight’s border of high-powered beams is the Dark. And between the Light and the Dark is the Grey, a narrow, barren no-man’s-land. That’s where the rescue team finds Marina, a lone teenage girl with no memory of the horrors she faced or the family she lost. Marina is the only person who has ever survived an encounter with the Fade. She’s the first hope humanity has had in generations, but she could also be the catalyst for their final destruction. Because the Fade will stop at nothing to get her back. Marina knows it. Tobin, who’s determined to take his revenge on the Fade, knows it. Anne-Marie, who just wishes it were all over, knows it.

When one of the Fade infiltrates the Arclight and Marina recognizes it, she will begin to unlock secrets she didn’t even know she had. Who will Marina become? Who can she never be again?

HarperCollins really need to work on the marketing of their imprints, I hadn't even heard anything about this book until it turned up on Edelweiss and I requested it on a whim and honestly, after finishing I honestly think that this book could be absolutely massive if it was marketed well, seriously this has to be one of my favorite sci-fi releases so far this year (not like it's had much competition, seriously 2013, where are all your good sci-fi/dystopian books at?!).

Arclight did something that very few YA books do nowadays: it brought originality to a genre that has almost been exhausted. Even though the idea of a civilization surviving after an apocalyptic event isn't original nowadays, the way that the Fade are brought into it, as well as the Grey and the Dark were very well thought and completely unique. The Fade actually kind of reminded me of The Host, but the execution is completely different. McQuein's writing also makes this book stand out, it's lyrical but not overly dramatic and the pacing was great. This book has some nail-biting moments and is very creepy at times and the tone was put across so well in the writing.

The main characters were great as well I loved Marina as a character as she was so real, she was having an identity crisis through the book and it's so well written, even though this book is a science-fiction book the characters actually come across as real teenagers. The romance between Tobin and Marina was fantastically written and well developed, it isn't in your face but it's definitely there. The only character I disliked was Anne-Marie, she seemed totally pointless and annoyed me quite a bit.

I think that what i really loved about this book though is that whilst there are some pretty shocking twists they creep up on you, so whilst it's shocking when it happens it doesn't feel totally out of the blue and so the book actually feels well developed and plotted.

Overall, Arclight was an amazing, original science-fiction offering that I massively enjoyed, it wasn't completely flawless but I absolutely devoured it and I can't wait for more. Definitely recommended for fans of sci-fi, thriller or dystopian YA books.

Book released 23rd April 2013 by Greenwillow Books
Book received from the publisher in exchange for an honest review (Edelweiss)


  1. I agree with you there. I haven't seen many Sci Fi books released this year. That and Mythology. Which is a shame, because there both two really good genres. =/ I've heard the name Arclight thrown around here and there, but HarperCollins could definitely do a better job in promoting it.

    Daphne @ Reading Until Dawn

  2. @Daphne

    Ahh, but there are some awesome mythology books coming out later in the year Antigoddess, The Chaos of Stars and The Night Itself!

  3. true i definitely did not hear anything wbout this book too before it turned up on Edelweiss..and by your review it sounds very original...i may have to get someone to get this to me soon.

    Le' Grande Codex


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