CALLING ALL BLOGGERS: Your opinions needed

About a year ago, I started a weekly feature on my blog which featured blogger tips and tricks. You can see the existing posts here:

So far, I have done guides on what ARCs are, how to request them, how to use NetGalley and Edelweiss and how to go about DNF and negative review. What I was trying to do was put together a comprehensible guide addressing all aspects of book blogging, not just talking about my opinion but also talking to authors, publishers and especially other bloggers to get their opinion.

Then I went on a semi-involuntary hiatus and have only just got back.

Now I am looking to pick this feature back up, and I need your help!

Here are the topics I want to look at in the next few weeks:
  • How to format a book review.
  • How to stay organised when running a book blog and having a life.
  • What makes a good blog?
  • How important is social networking when running a book blog?
  • Reading slumps, what they are and how to escape them?

And as well as putting my own opinions out there, I want your thoughts on these topics, so below is a list of questions. If you could answer even just one of these, I would be very happy. Please also make sure I can access your blog so I can link to you in the post.

1. What do you think makes a good book review? Format and structure wise as well as any 'turn offs' in book reviews you may have.

2. Bloggers, do you schedule your reviews? How do you keep on top of your TBR to review pile? Do you list? Etc.

3. How often do you blog, how often do you want to blog. Does real life keep you from blogging as much as you would like to?

4. For you, what makes a good blog design? What makes a bad blog design?

5. What do you think should be the most visible things on a blog?

6. How often do you social network (for your blogging, not personal).

7. Do you feel like social networking benefits you as a blogger? Why?

8. When is the last time you had a reading slump? How long did it last and how did you get out of it?

9. Is it important to you that reading stays something fun for you?


  1. 2) I always try to schedule my reviews because it's the best way to relax and focus on other stuff and on work when I have very busy weeks. Right now I have a ton of reviews pending to write and schedule, and I hope to get back to it, so I can schedule at least two weeks of reviews in advance!

    3) I aim to blog almost every day, with 3 reviews, a meme or two and maybe a blog tour, blitz or review... but I'm also trying to not stress myself too much about having some days without a post here and there, I need a day off or two in the blog too!

  2. Great post!

    2) I do schedule my reviews sometimes. But sometimes I post the same day I write it. It just depends on what I have going on with my blog. I have a spreadsheet of my ARCs to keep up with what I have read and what I have reviewed. I also have a to be reviewed Goodreads shelf so I can keep track of what I have reviewed.

    3) I try to blog just about every day. The only days I don't blog that much are Saturdays and Sundays. But I aim to do reviews and memes during the week and at least one discussion post every week as well.

    8) I just went through a reading slump recently. I hated it! Mine lasted about a week or so. First, I did take a brief break from reading. Then I reread a book I really liked when I was younger.


Tell me your thoughts on the post, the book, the world. I like volcanoes, feel free to tell me about volcanoes.