Oh my gosh, I love mermaid books and I seriously think there should be more out there and this one was fantastic (even if Galen gets offended that I'm calling it a mermaid book). I really loved the storyline, getting to know Emma as she discovers herself and I totally fell in love with Galen with her.
Compared to a lot of paranormal books out there at the moment, Of Poseidon is definitely one of the lighter and happier reads, there are definitely some darker areas in it: Galen goes through some points of angst and indecision and Emma goes through periods of guilt and grief over her best friends death but overall it isn't one of those reads that makes you feel trapped in the angst and drama, a lot of it is fun. There were some particularly funny points that stood out for me, like Rayna and Toraf's relationship and basically everything to do with that, as well as Galen's lack of knowledge about humans and some awkward observations by him, I was seriously giggling at some points.
I really liked the writing, Banks had me gripped and it seemed so genuine in the thoughts and the reactions that the characters have. If there was anything that I would say I disliked it was the narrative. It's told in alternating chapters between Emma, whose chapters are written in first person and Galen who's chapters are third person. I honestly found that whilst it meant I knew who's chapter I was reading it also kind of disrupted the flow of the book at points.
There was a cliffhanger at the end of the book that I was totally not expecting! I can't wait to see what happens in the next book because I was totally thrown by the ending!
Overall, Of Poseidon was a fun and entertaining read which had me giggling at some points and gasping at others. I think it's safe to say that I would recommend this to nearly any fans of paranormal books, but especially if you're looking for something more fun and light.
Overall Rating: A-
Book released 22nd May 2012 by Feiwel and Friends (MacMillan)
Book received as an EGalley from NetGalley
Of Poseidon is filled with life changing discoveries for Emma but she adapts well. She is a character who is feisty and despite what she went through in the beginning of the book she came through with strength and courage. Galen is also a character who I felt grew; he had huge responsibilities and was noble in his quest to solve the underwater world problems. I also enjoyed the secondary characters although I found Emma's mother to be quite strange; Rayna and Toraf were great as was Rachel.