Firstly, I'd like to summarise this book as an easy to enjoy, fill the gaps book, it wasn't bad and it wasn't awesome, It was fun and it was entertaining but substance wise there wasn't really enough to absolutely grip me. I found that it was the type of book you can start and then put down and then read another book in between and then start again without feeling like "Oh my god! I HAVE to finish this tonight!". To be honest though, when I read this, that was the type of book that I was looking for.
I liked Chloe's character, but she seemed too optimistic and kooky and happy and I can see how other characters like Clem didn't see eye to eye with her but I did find that she was a consistent character and her character traits did follow through for the whole book. Duncan was a similar character for me, he was portrayed as very quiet and awkward in comparison to Chloe's outgoing and I felt as though his awkwardness was overly pushed. I did think that the characters relationships rang true though: Clem and Chloe, Chloe and Duncan, Chloe and her old friends -all of the relationships rang true and are relatable to teenagers.
So I've made out like the book is all cheerful and happy but it really isn't. Chloe is lonely inside as she's been alienated by her best friends and her grandmother has Parkinsons Disease and DUncan has to deal with his mothers abusive druggy boyriend, all of the radio club have to deal with the fact that the station might be shut down, there are some pretty dark moments in the book but overall it's pretty happy. I'd definiteky recommend it as a quick read inbetween other darker books.
Overall rating: C
Released May 1st by Abrams books
Received as an eBook for review from NetGalley
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