Justin Thyme Competition

Today I'm taking part in a fantastic competition!
You are wondering what the competition is, right... RIGHT?
Well here is the description!

To celebrate the paperback release of JUSTIN THYME, the Tartan of Thyme Blog is running a competition with signed/doodled copies of both JUSTIN THYME and its forthcoming sequel THYME RUNNING OUT as the prize.
All readers have to do is visit the participating blogs, note down the letters and numbers on the Justin Thyme bookmarks (see photos below), then rearrange the letters in numerical order. This spells a secret message (Justin’s description of himself). Visit the TOT blog to find links to all participating blogs, and to email your answer. The competition will close on September 7th, when a winner (picked at random from the correct entries) will be announced.

Here are my numbers and letters:

Make sure you call by Panama Oxridge's blog to see all of the other blogs taking part!
Remember, to be entered you have to find all of the numbers and letters and rearrange them to find Justin's Description of himself.
The Email address for entries is on Panama's blog!


  1. Thanks for getting the competition post up on thyme! I hope your readers enjoy visiting all the various book-blogs on their scavenger hunt!
    With best wishes,

  2. many thanks for posting right on thyme XD

  3. My thanks to all the book-bloggers who hosted clues, and to everyone who took part in the JUSTIN THYME competition.
    The competition is now closed, and the winners announced at the "Tartan of Thyme" Blog.


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