Yet Willa’s turn as Robin Hood at her ultra-exclusive high school is anything but. Bilking her “friends”-known to everyone as the Glitterati-without them suspecting a thing, is far from easy. Learning how to pick pockets and break into lockers is as difficult as she’d thought it’d be. Delivering care packages to the scholarship girls, who are ostracized just for being from the “wrong” side of town, is way more fun than she’d expected.
The complication Willa didn’t expect, though, is Aidan Murphy, Valley Prep’s most notorious (and gorgeous) ace-degenerate. His mere existence is distracting Willa from what matters most to her-evening the social playing field between the have and have-nots. There’s no time for crushes and flirting with boys, especially conceited and obnoxious trust-funders like Aidan.
But when the cops start investigating the string of burglaries at Valley Prep and the Glitterati begin to seek revenge, could he wind up being the person that Willa trusts most?
Oh how I loved this book.
It was one of those books that I could just escape into, laugh at, gasp at, but absolutely love.
Okay, my first thought when I saw the synopsis? Could be good, but wouldn't that be glamourising stealing? So I'm very glad that it got dealt with the way that it did - it was fun but it dealt with the problems of racism, theft and alienation due to social standing.
I loved Willa as a main character, she was witty and fun and such a pleasure to read about. I loved how she viewed the world, she was so realistic and she didn't follow the crowd. Despite being thrown in with the popular crowd, she used her position to try and change the lives of the less fortunate and despite the fact that it didn't go as well as she had hoped, she didn't give up. I also loved Mary and her friends, and Cherise, and even Kellie was realistic as a typical, popular bully.
So yeah, willa's stealing from her friends to give nice clothes to the scholarship kids, it's a little bit ridiculous, not that believable. That's not the point though, the concepts and the characters are real, they're just dealt with in a fun way so that it isn't a difficult contemporary, it's a colourful, fun read with amazing writing, well addressed ideas and a fantastic main caharcter.
Oh and did I mention Aidan? He was pretty awesome. I didn't like him to start with because he seemed like such a flirt and a player, but in the end I was just as in love with him as Willa was. He was so supportive and I liked that he wasn't always there!
Overall, I loved this book. It was fun and the concepts addressed were well dealt with!
Overall Rating: A-
Book released by HarperCollins on 13th March.
book received for review (via NetGalley)
I need to read this book me thinks!