My best friend, Des, and I totally freaked when we won the contest to meet THE Dakota Danvers in Hollywood. But now we’re finding out he’s SO not the angel everyone believes him to be. In fact, Dakota is the son of Satan, wreaking havoc on Hollywood and creating an evil army hellbent on world domination.
Lucky for us, Dakota’s super-cute personal assistant, Jameson, is a fallen angel trying to get his wings back, and he’s working undercover to squash his demon boss’s plan. If Jameson hadn’t taken me under his wing I’d be in serious trouble, because I’m a total newb when it comes to conquering evil. But, truth be told, that sexy angel’s got me all aflutter and may be one temptation I can’t resist.
You know when you've just finished a really dark and heavy book and you just need a little pick me up to get you back on your feet? Hollyweird was that book for me, it was happy and funny and very clean and bright. Sure, you've got the devil's son trying to suck the life out of wannabe stars but it was a very light read.
There wasn't too much substance to this book. Really all it is about is Des, Aly and Jameson trying to derail the evil Dakota's plans, no internal battles, no massively deep personal problems. there are a few points where things get a bit down but overall it's a pretty happy and funny book. The pacing wasn't fantastic but because it's such a short book it didn't seem like as big a problem.
There is some super cute romance in this book. Even though they've only known each other for a few days I still won't call it insta-love because it isn't obsession, it's just a cute little attraction. Clark doesn't really take the romance too seriously so when you hear them tell eachother that they love each otehr it doesn't come across as too fast because it's just a side note, not the main part of the book.
Overall, Hollyweird was a cute little pick me up that I can't say was fantastic but it definitely kept me entertained for an hour or two so I would recommend it to anybody that wants a nice light read inbetween more heavy offerings.
Overall Rating: B-
Released by Flux books on the 8th May 2012.
Book received as an eCopy for review from NetGalley.
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