Gah, this is going to be one pain of a review to write, not because I'm torn over this book - I really enjoyed it but because there is a big twist in it and I really REALLY don't want to give spoilers, but let me just say that is a twist that had me shocked and laughing because I had so not expected it but looking back on what I had already read I could have worked it out. Just read it, you'll know what I mean.
I really liked this book, it wasn't amazing but it was very entertaining whilst at the same time it covered some serious issues, I especially liked how the cyber-bullying was handled - it's a modern day issue that was dealt with in a very light way. There are other big issues tackled but I won't mention them because they may spoil the premise. I think that this book may not have been what I was expecting but it did what I had wanted - it was a quick, funny and engaging read from a fantastic author for teens.
The characters in the book are great. I liked that Jolene was flirty and girly and had an attitude, it made her very realistic for her age and I actually looked forward to reading about her. Jody also had personality perks that I looked forward to reading about, like the Leap Day birthday, I don't know why but the leap day birthday thing really entertained me. I liked Jody and Jolene's family as well, the football mad Dad was oh so British, I loved it and the girly Mum was also a great read. Jolene's boyfriend was an absolutely horrible character, I hated him but his character was well written. Maybe the characters could have been developed a little more but taking into account that this is a humorous and quick read I personally don't feel that it was necessary.
Overall, I enjoyed this book because it was fun and light-hearted but also deals with some pretty big issues for teens.
Overall Rating: B
Book released by Macmillan (UK) on 31st May 2012
Book received from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
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