No IMM this week

No IMM this week, I'll be doing two weeks worth next week because I'm not at home this weekend (family over for Easter so my parents have kicked me out!).

I'm at my boyfriend's and I will be reading as much of my books for next week as I can, but the likelihood of him letting me near his laptop is tiny (I'm  scheduling this post from my own laptop three days before it;s going to go live)

Next week, you should be seeing reviews for:

Fairy Metal Thunder  Ripper The Book of Blood and Shadow The Queen's Lady (The Lacey Chronicles #2) After the Snow

If I get time to read them all... I also have to read and schedule a review for S. J. Kincaid's Insignia, so we shall see how it goes.


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Tell me your thoughts on the post, the book, the world. I like volcanoes, feel free to tell me about volcanoes.